
a) Deb file

Download the .deb file with the latest version from their web.

If you install the .deb package, configuration should be done for you.

_$: cd Downloads
_$: sudo apt install ./smartgit-17_1_3.deb

b) Tar file

Download the .tar file with the latest version from their web. We will install it in the $HOME/apps/smartgit directory.

_$: cd $HOME
_$: cp Downloads/smartgithg-generic-7_0_3.tar.gz ./apps/
_$: cd apps
_$: tar xvfz smartgithg-generic-7_0_3.tar.gz


If this is not the first time you are installing smartgit, there will be a previous configuration in $HOME/.smartgit/<old_version>. The new version will automatically get its configuration from there.

Desktop launcher

To create a desktop launcher, select the option Create a custom application launcher and fill in the values:

  • Type: Application
  • Name: SmartGit
  • Command: $HOME/apps/smartgithg-7_0_3/bin/
  • Icon: $HOME/apps/smartgithg-7_0_3/bin/smartgithg-32.png

Application menu launcher

To create an icon in the application menu we will just run the script:

_$: ./$HOME/apps/smartgithg-6_0_6/bin/

Configuration file

Path: $HOME/.smartgit/8/

Change journal size
