_$: apt-get install obnam
In Ubuntu < 14.04 (or to install the latest version):
_$: apt-get install python-software-properties
_$: add-apt-repository -y ppa:chris-bigballofwax/obnam-ppa
_$: apt-get update
_$: apt-get install obnam
Crash course
Create a backup:
_$: obnam backup <dir>
Restore a backup:
_$: obnam mount --to <dir> # Do not forget: fusermount -u <dir>
_$: obnam restore --to <dir>
Restore a file from a backup:
_$: obnam restore --to <dir> <file path>
List all backups:
_$: obnam generations
List all files:
_$: obnam ls
Remove unnecessary backups:
_$: obnam forget --keep=30d
Delete a lock file
If a lock file remains after a failed run, the following attempts to create a backup will also fail while trying to create the lock file. This appears in the log in a message like LockFail: R681AEX: Couldn't create lock ./lock: timeout
To delete that file:
_$: obnam --config obnam.conf force-lock
Create files and directories
_$: mkdir -p dir/{a,b,c}
_$: for d in ./dir/*
tr -dc A-Za-z0-9 < /dev/urandom | head -c 8 > $d/f
printf "$d/f: %s\n" $(cat $d/f)
Backup #1
repository = ./dir.obnam
log = ./obnam.log
_$: obnam --config obnam.conf backup ./dir
Simulate failure
_$: for d in ./dir/*
echo "CORRUPT" > ${d}/f
Backup #2
_$: obnam --config obnam.conf backup ./dir
Difference among generations
_$: obnam --config obnam.conf diff 2 5 # After the diff, write first the oldest generation and then the newest
* .../a/f
* .../b/f
* .../c/f
Restore backup #1
_$: obnam ls --config obnam.conf
Generation 5 (2015-01-14 10:28:20 - 2015-01-14 10:28:20)
_$: obnam --config obnam.conf generations
2 2015-01-14 10:03:20 .. 2015-01-14 10:03:20 (12 files, 24 bytes)
5 2015-01-14 10:28:20 .. 2015-01-14 10:28:20 (12 files, 24 bytes)
The backup made at 10:03 contains the original files and the backup made at 10:28 the corrupt ones. Therefore we have to restore the 10:03 backup, which is in the generation 2
_$: mkdir restore
_$: obnam --config obnam.conf mount --generation 2 --to ./restore
_$: less restore/home/<user>/testing/obnam/dir/a/f # Check that a random 8 length string appears
_$: fusermount -u ./restore